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Hacking Motivation


Early progress toward a goal, even if it’s artificial, can have significant effects on sustained effort and motivation—a phenomenon known as the endowed progress effect. A 2006 experiment found that people were more likely to complete a loyalty program if they were awarded points just for signing up. Generally, people don’t like to waste progress that’s already been made.. After the endowed progress, there are a variety of mapped behavior design techniques to deploy to keep the students focused on their goal.

Motivation map and psychographics for course completion.

Endowed Progress

We designed an onboarding experience that restriced the platform’s navigation until the student first enrolled in a course. “Smart suggestions” were made after a brief onboarding survey. Thereafter, we awarded students a few percentage points towards the course completion. Simple tasks, such downloading and reviewing the course syllabus, were also rewarded with completion points. Before even starting their first lesson, the student would be nearly 10% of the way done with a course.
